The "Ron Paul Revolution" bumps into the ADL

Eight days ago, CNN reported that Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul moved up to 4th place for the Republican Nomination. Many people see in Paul the sort of hope for change in America's government that others see in Barack Obama. Nevertheless, every revolution has its opposition and, with support for Paul growing, the battle lines are starting to form.

Enter the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The ADL knows that Americans are tired of being betrayed by politicians. The ADL also knows that Paul wants the government to have as little a role in private affairs as possible. What the ADL doesn't know, however, is if Paul can be counted on to endorse current, ADL-friendly status quo in his policy and speak out against those who the ADL would like to convict of wrong-think.

So, the ADL has found its first test case: one of the millions who donated to Paul's campaign was Don Black, the owner of the Stormfront internet forum for white supremacists and white nationalists. The ADL is planning to reach Paul privately and demand that he return Black's alleged donation of $500.00.

"If he doesn't do that, then we will decide what we're going to say publicly about it."
- Steven Freeman, Assistant Director of the ADL

The ADL is used to working with people in Washington who do not mind policing people's thoughts and who care more about enforcing political correctness than anything else. So, more than anything, this is a test to see if Paul will follow in that tradition. If Paul does not, expect the ADL to begin a strong push to influence politics so that Paul's campaign is destroyed.