Race, Crime and the Media

Reprinted, with minor edits, from: "Race, Crime & The Media," by R.C. Kirkwood, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. All research attributed to R.C. Kirkwood.

If five whites had carjacked a black couple to torture them for hours and then dump the bodies somewhere, the national news media would go into hysterics and subject the public to harangues on hate. As evidence, all one has to do is look at the reaction to the James Byrd incident, where a black man was drug to death behind a car in Jasper, Texas.

But the truth is as follows: nearly all interracial crime involves blacks harming whites, as federal statistics show. Worse, to hide this truth, the news media simply refuses to report many incidents or show their true nature. For example, the murders of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian in Knoxville, Tennessee, received little attention from the national news media and none from the New York Times.

So, what was being kept from the public? According to the police, on January 7, a band of black criminals carjacked the couple, then treated them to a nightmare of torture. The gang raped Newsom, shot him, burned him with gasoline, wrapped him in bedding, then set him ablaze. Afterward, they dumped his body on nearby railroad tracks. They forced Christian to watch this and repeatedly raped her, then sprayed liquid cleaner in her mouth to erase their residual DNA. After killing her, the thugs placed her in trash bags and stuffed her in a garbage can.

In another incident around Halloween, three white girls approached a haunted maze in the backyard of a home in Long Beach, California. A group of a dozen black boys, according to newspaper accounts, began taunting them. The boys grabbed their crotches, asking, “Are you down with it?” The girls went through the maze, but when they returned to the front yard, the boys were waiting to taunt them again. Then they heard another male voice declare, “I hate white people.” “White bitches,” others shouted. The girls started to leave, but a mob of about 30 blacks, including young girls, gathered and pelted them with pumpkins and lemons. “We hate white people,” they hollered, “f–king white people.” When the defenseless girls tried to flee, the mob attacked in full force, beating and stomping the first victim to the ground. When she tried to fight back, a black man smashed her across the head with a skateboard, then hit her again when she was on the ground, unconscious. All the while, the mob kicked her. When the second girl tried to rescue her friend, the mob swarmed, punched her until she dropped, then kicked her on the ground. She received 12 facial fractures and severe damage to one of her eyes. The third girl also tried to help, but the mob beat her to a pulp—again, kicking and stomping her when they got her on the ground.

During the trial, the judge tossed out DNA evidence of a victim’s blood on one attacker’s clothes. "It complicated the case" according to a local news report. Ultimately, the judge sentenced the guilty party to house arrest and probation. Again, the New York Times and other national news media mostly ignored it. No wondering how it could happen. No soul-searching. No lectures on racism from the university professoriate, Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton.

In April 2005, a mob of 30 blacks attacked four white girls at Marine Park in Brooklyn, New York, shouting “black power,” according to the small weekly that covered it, and invoking Martin Luther King, Jr. Two of the victims landed in the hospital, one with a broken nose. Immediately, police denied this was a hate crime. The national news media ignored it.

On December 14, 2000, two black brothers, Jonathan and Reginald Carr, invaded the Wichita home of Jason Befort and his two friends, Bradley Heyka and Aaron Sandler, who were entertaining Befort’s girlfriend, Heather Muller, and Sandler’s former girlfriend (“H.G.”). As with the carjacking in Knoxville, the black men subjected their five white victims to an orgy of torture nearly beyond description. After beating the men senseless, they forced the women to have sex, attempted to force the men to have sex with the women, then raped and sodomized the women. They robbed them and drove the naked (the women were clad only in sweaters) victims to a field and executed four of them. H.G., having been shot in the head and run over repeatedly with a truck, managed to survive. Despite H.G.’s testimony, which indicated that the brothers made numerous racial slurs while torturing and attempting to kill her, prosecutors hotly denied that this was a hate crime. Meanwhile, the national news media ignored the story.

Stories about all these crimes appeared in local newspapers and on local television news, to be sure. But the racial aspect was not reported and CBS, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times ignored the stories altogether. Had the attacks involved whites attacking blacks in this manner, all of these news organizations would have dispatched staff writers, photographers, producers, and cameramen to get the story.

That is exactly what happened when three white lacrosse players at Duke University were accused of raping a black stripper at an off-campus party; the national news media descended in full force. The charges smeared the team, and the Duke lacrosse season was canceled. Hundreds of stories appeared about this —a case in which the prosecutor was forced to quit and may be disbarred for egregious ethical violations. The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the major television networks unlimbered a blunderbuss and sprayed us with stories. It was time to search our souls for racism. For intolerance. For bigotry. For a crime that, as it turns out, never happened. The stripper had lied.

Incidentally, there was recently a rape at an off-campus fraternity party at which students from Duke were present. The national news media ignored it, and the Raleigh News and Observer eliminated race in its description of both the party and the suspect. A black fraternity had hosted the party. The suspect was black and the victim was white.

Those who run the national news media know what they are doing: they won’t confront they want to hide the truth about race and crime to promote "diversity", their religion.

The news media are obsessed with “diversity,” says Bill McGowen in Coloring the News, a book on how the media spins stories because of race. Some topics, including affirmative action, are taboo in newsrooms. In one example in the book, when the New York Times exposed rank incompetence and rampant criminality among rookies in the NYPD, it failed to disclose how or why such incompetence and criminality crept into the ranks: hiring standards had been lowered to promote minorities in the name of “diversity.”

In journalism, the last few years have been one long chin-wag about diversity. The potentates of journalism discuss it with religious fervor. Editors receive dogmatic flyers and evangelical videotapes importuning them to hire minority applicants and interns and to attend minority job fairs. They receive surveys designed to measure the racial and sex complexion of newsrooms. The American Society of Newspaper Editors proclaims, “We count the number of journalists, their gender [sic] and race” in order to “help newsrooms think about diversity." The publisher of the New York Times has said that diversity is the most important issue facing his newspaper; this is how Jayson Blair, with his long rap sheet of plagiarism and mendacity, slipped through the cracks and got a journalism job.

The obsession with diversity and the slant on race in the newsroom has not gone unnoticed. In a forum post on the website of the Poynter Institute, David Mills, a former writer for the Washington Times, hammered the Los Angeles Times for ignoring the Halloween mob melee incident at Long Beach. “You don’t have to be a card-carrying Klansman,” Mills wrote, "to point out that the LA Times surely would be treating this story differently if three black women had been attacked by 30 white teenagers hurling words like “F— black people.” Columnists and editorial writers would be rending their garments, agonizing over the meaning of such a brutal crime."

The Halloween assault is arguably the worst instance of black-on-white violence in Southern California in years. Why is the LA Times covering it so grudgingly? The only reference to the beatings on the op-ed page came last Sunday, when Michael McGough, a senior editorial writer, wrote of this case: “I wouldn’t dare to prejudge [it] even if the facts weren’t so murky.” He then fretted that an “unintended consequence” of hate-crime laws is that “such laws could end up punishing blacks who commit violence against whites—which is a far cry from the historical experience that inspired hate-crime statutes.”

Say what? I didn’t realize that hate-crime laws were supposed to punish only white people. Presented with a shocking instance of black-on-white violence, the Times thinks the only larger issue worth discussing is whether hate-crime legislation is wrongheaded?

McGough’s point was that blacks are incapable of racism and hate crimes; they are perpetual victims. No wonder the national news media refuses to report horrific black-on-white crimes. Just as “diversity” trumps competence in the newsroom - and white-on-black crime always trumps its converse.

Special thanks toChronicles Magazine